Terms and Conditions applicable to KhelBazar.online

Privacy Notice

Last Updated: February 09, 2025

Here is KhelBazar.online. These Terms and Conditions ("Terms") control your use of our website, offerings, and associated tools or platforms. Accessing or using our website commits you to abide by these Terms. You should not use our services if you disagree with any element of these Terms.

1. Interpretive and defining guidance

1.1 Explanation

Some of the terms and phrases in this document use capital letters. These have particular connotations delineated below. The definitions apply whether the nouns show solitary or plural form.

    1.2 Defining Terms
  • Affine: Any entity under common control, under control, or management by another entity. "Control" is having 50% or more of the voting rights or shares.
  • Company ("We," "Us," or "Our"): Refers to KhelBazar.online, headquarters located on the Ground Floor, IOC Petrol Pump, Opp. IIT Mumbai Main Gate, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400076, India.
  • Nation: refers to Maharashtra, India.
  • Device: Any gadget capable of accessing the Service, from tablets to laptops and cell phones.
  • Service: Describes the website (https://khelbazar.online/) and any KhelBazar.online services provided.
  • Third-Party Social Media Service: Accessible through our Service, any service or content—including data, goods, and services—provided by other parties.
  • You ("User") The person or company using our Service.
  • 2. Thank you.

    These Terms form a legally enforceable contract between You and the Company regarding using our Service. You would agree that:

    • You are at least eighteen years old. Should you be under eighteen, parental or guardian permission is needed.
    • You will use the Service in line with all relevant laws and rules.
    • You have agreed to these Terms and read and understood them.

    Your approval of our Privacy Policy determines your access to and use of the Service since it clarifies our methods of gathering, storing, and using your personal information. Before using our Service, kindly study our Privacy Policy.

    3. User Manuals

    3.1 Registering Accounts

    You might have to register an account to access specific capabilities. You say: During registration, present correct and comprehensive information.

    Keep your login passwords private.

    Let us know immediately if you have any illegal access to your account.

    3.2 Account Termination and Suspensions

    We reserve the right to suspend or close your account should:

    You either present misleading or inaccurate information.

    You breach these Terms or relevant legislation.

    We find damaging or fraudulent activity connected to your account.

    4. goods and services

    4.1 Product Listings

    KhelBazar.online is a market for goods and services linked to sports. We cannot promise that product descriptions, pictures, or prices are error-free, even as we work for accuracy.

    4.2 Availability and Pricing

    Product availability and prices are changeable without prior notice. Pricing mistakes, stock availability, or fraudulent activity reserve our right to restrict quantities and reject purchases.

    4.3 Order Cancelability and Acceptance

    KhelBazar.online has your order under acceptance. Should an order be cancelled,

    • The item is not in stock.
    • Either a pricing or technical error exists.
    • Payment is not handled effectively.

    You will be informed if your order is cancelled, and any paid-for money will be reimbursed.

    5. Transactions and payments

    5.1 Methods of Payment

    We take credit and debit cards, UPI, and digital wallets, among other payment options. Before order processing, payments must be made in whole.

    5.2 Security of Payment

    Our payment gateways are safe third-party ones. However, we are not responsible for problems resulting from failed third-party payments.

    6. Distribution and Transportation

    6.1 Method of Delivery

    The expected delivery times are shown at checkout guide orders' processing and shipment. Unanticipated events may cause delivery delays.

    6.2 Missing or postponed shipments

    Delays or lost shipments brought on by outside logistics companies are not our responsibility. We will help, nonetheless, to address shipment problems.

    7. Returns, Cancellations, and Refunds

    7.1 Policy of Return

    Returns for qualified items are approved within [X] days of delivery. Objects have to be: Unused, in original packaging, with all attachments included.

    Free from harm resulting from abuse.

    Some things, like personalized or hygienic products, are non-returnable.

    7.2 Method of Refunds

    Refunds are handled inside [X] approved days. Refunds will credit the original payment method.

    7.3 Cancellations of Order

    One can cancel orders before dispatch. Our return policy governs cancellations once shipped.

    8. Reviewed User Content

    Users may leave comments and reviews, just provided they:

    There shouldn't be unlawful, false, or nasty stuff in here.

    Have a bearing on the good or Service

    We reserve the right to remove unsuitable material at our will.

    9. Links from Third Parties

    Links to third-party websites could abound throughout our work. We are not in charge of these websites or endorse their policies or content.

    10. Liability Limitation

    To the furthest degree allowed by legislation:

    KhelBazar.online disclaims all indirect, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from your usage of our Service.

    Our total liability shall not exceed the price of your relevant goods or services.

    These clauses might not apply to you. Certain jurisdictions do not allow restrictions on liability.

    11. "ASIS" and "AS AVAILABLE". Note: Disclaimers

    Our Service is delivered "AS IS" free of any form of warranty. We are not promising that:

    • The Service will be either continuous or error-free.
    • Every flaw will be fixed.
    • The Service is free of dangerous elements, including malware or viruses.

    You run your own risk using the Service.

    12. Controlling Law and Conflict Resolution

    The laws of Maharashtra, India, control these terms. Any conflicts will first be tried to be settled amicably. Should unresolved issues arise, disputes will be governed by Mumbai courts.

    13. Severability and University

    Should any clause of these Terms prove void, the other sections will remain in whole force. Ignoring any clause will not mean a renouncement of our rights.

    14. Updates to These Terms and Conditions

    We have the right to change these terms in any way we see fit. Should material change, we will give at least thirty days' notice. Using our Service consistently following upgrades shows acceptance of the revised terms.

    15. Contact Details

    Should you have any issues regarding these Terms, you may reach us:

    • 📧 Email: khelbazaronline@gmail.com
    • 🌐Address: Ground Floor, IOC Petrol Pump, Opp. IIT Mumbai Main Gate, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400076, India.
    • 📞Phone: +91 83066738;
    • 📍Website: khelbazar.online/

    This Terms and Conditions page guarantees that, when using KhelBazar.online, users and the platform have clear expectations and obligations. Tell me whether you would want any tweaks.

    👉 Disclaimer 👈

    The content provided on KhelBazar.Online is for informational purposes only. We do not guarantee the accuracy of Satta Matka results, or any other data provided, including fast results, Satta King results, and Kalyan Matka results. Users are advised to verify results independently. All games, including online Satta games, are based on luck, and there is no surefire way to predict outcomes. We offer tools like Matka Charts, weekly Jodi charts, Kalyan charts, and Matka Bazar for reference purposes only. Guessing and strategies such as Satta guessing and Kalyan Matka tips may improve your chances but do not guarantee success. Khelbazar.online is not responsible for any financial losses. Please play responsibly. Our platform is the best matka site for those seeking a reliable, transparent experience in Satta Matka games and other related activities. Always verify matka results live and consult with an expert if needed.